
10 Best Ideas to Generate More Income as a Graphic Designer

Are you looking for some great ideas for passive income as a designer, you are at a right place. Here I have compiled some of the best ideas of running a graphic design business and ideas from some smart freelancers as well as compiled the ideas here. You have got some of the most valuable skills, which are in huge demand and required by the best graphic design companies and freedom to earn from them whenever you want.  You only need to apply yourself, and know how you can go about enhancing your income. So, here are some that will help you in a long run.

Being a designer, you’re most likely the creative thinker who wants the frequent dose of the inspiration to carry on putting out the best work. The aide hustles are about giving yourself an opportunity of venturing out in the new work lines that you’re highly passionate about, whereas making extra cash in this process.

Thus, on our list, it is by no way the conclusive roundup over how to earn money as the graphic designer, however, it is certainly the solid list of a few things that already have worked for some as the freelancer, and I really hope you will use this option in the most positive way that will help you to make some money with your design skill

  1. Think of Online Teaching

What do you think of sharing your know-how online and make some money? Internet learning has actually boomed to become one huge industry. Even many people have started selecting online as the preferred way of education. You may host the specialized webinars and create some online courses for earning some passive income. Unluckily, creating the actual teaching material, shooting videos and organizing are very challenging.

But, if you do this rightly, it can begin generating money and traffic. You have to do this actively in passive income planning. For creating the online course and hosting specialized webinars can turn out straightforward and simple way to earn some additional money. One difficult part of the side hustle is to create an actual teaching material as well as preparing or filming video classes. But, once that is done and dusted, online course can continue to make money even after you move to something else or join the best graphic design companies, and making it the most attractive passive income plan.

  1. Design WordPress Themes and Sell It Online

Demand for the customized WordPress themes also is increasing among the entrepreneurs & bloggers. Even, a few designers earn money in 7 figures by selling the WordPress themes, which they designed. Suppose they can, then even you can try it out! As creative (proud) as the designers are, they’re practical as well as tend to cut down corners wherever possible—no matter whether this means building off the base-theme or to reuse elements made for some other projects, opportunity is always there to take, you just need to see it.

Create the underlying theme and make it attractive by using certain elements. You can use tools like Elementor Pro to customize. First register yourself on the marketplace like ThemeForest and cut-down side hustle as well as create the passive income. So, what you require is the versatile portfolio, which showcases your themes. An only thing you have to remember is the more versatile the product portfolio, more chances you will need to generate the constant income stream.

  1. Run Your Workshop

Personal communication is being dead now. Suppose you’re particularly knowledgeable on something, it is worth to think about running the hands-on workshop. Even though this idea needs you to have the dedicated studio or space, you can explore some alternative options, like using your library and university. Many people are now augmenting their E-learning, showing some interest in attending the live sessions as well as workshops for learning and meeting.  Besides assisting other progress, workshop will do a lot of wonders for the personal brand, improving your credibility as well as attracting some new business.

  1. Try hand in consulting

Consultants are the experienced doers, or highly valuable people. Suppose you have the skill that you know people in the field want, you can sell consulting services, which will teach other designers how they can duplicate your successes. There are many examples of the smart creatives who have turned the design knowhow in the full-fledged consulting business.

  1. Try Hand in Freelancing

It appears like an obvious one? To get your design presence out there over freelance websites, even though you have the steady income stream from the regular clients, you can try out the freelancing website. Suppose you are looking for the fast-track to the financial freedom, then freelancing will be what you want. It is the most flexible side idea that does not need you to commit yourself to the long-term projects or instead provides the best opportunity of building your own portfolio, and expands the network and learns out new skills. With demand for the freelance talent at the peak, it has not been the better time for testing waters and sees in case you may discover the niche. The freelance marketplaces such as Freelancer, Upwork, and Fiverr are some good starting place you can find some good work and get your projects rolling.

  1. Think of Blogging

Suppose you enjoy writing, then blogging can be an ideal side idea for you. Also, you will not essentially become rich, however, it is the strategy that can contribute to higher traffic to the website as well as boost brand awareness. Think of creating your blog posts on your current design work, or you have big name clients that are coming up. Key thing is to provide some “value”, or something that people would like to share million times.

Begin by submitting the top articles to a few popular blogs and reach the wider audience as well as build up the track record for creating the most valuable content. When you are established as the authority, all types of writing opportunities can flow your way. The blog is the best method to draw more attention. Being the creative professional, it will not take much time for you. But, you have to focus more on building the relationship. Then, you may leverage this in several ways. Suppose you post some good content all along with the pictures, some websites or people will get attracted towards you. You might even land a few paid sponsorship’s from individuals or brands.

  1. Sell design mockups

Do you like to create mockup of the design when you pitch new clients just for them and not choose your design? Because they might not have wanted the design, it does not mean there are not others who might find value from the work. There are websites such as Creative Market or DesignCuts that give you the option to sell unused designs in place of having this languish away in the file folder on the computer.

  1. Guest Posts

The guest posting will be the best idea when you are considering earning some money as the Graphic Designer, here you will get paid really well for every guest post! One good example will be if you have the new technique that you can show the people regarding jQuery and CSSS3 effects or perhaps the new photoshop effect you would like to write the tutorial about. And these are some perfect topics you can write about as well as send this to the website like Nettuts, Codrops, and many other design blogs who are keen to pay the people for the hard work.

Suppose you are highly passionate about your design and craft and feel you can add a little value to the blog just by offering them with the content of your, then it is the perfect opportunity to make good money.

 Make good use of LinkedIn

LinkedIn can be the lacklustre destination online for the creatives; however, it is an internet network where the professionals look for professionals most. For landing more gigs by using LinkedIn, begin by sprucing up the profile. Then, begin contributing to some designer-focused groups. The involvement in groups like ‘Designers or Freelance Graphic Group’ is the awesome way of crowdsourcing for the answers amongst many other pros in the field. By responding to the group questions is the best way you can share your insight. It is the best way to catch attention of the best graphic companies that are making use of the LinkedIn groups to recruit right people.

  1. Become Youtube Partner

It may not appear like one obvious choice but it can be the highly profitable when done rightly. Just create the videos for craft, no matter whether it is Photoshop or Photography, Digital Art, Arts&Crafts, Web Design or Leather Making, and offer them the titles that people will be highly interested at. Youtube generates plenty of traffic and suppose you have slightest personality, you will make good money just by signing to become the Youtube Partner

Summing Up

With internet today, there’re many different ideas and ways to earn money. When you are working in the design and creative field, to be between the projects will make things difficult. These top 10 ideas must get you a little started in this world of side income!

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