Tips & Tricks

10 Simple & Easy ways to Increase Blog Traffic?

Traffic is one of the most important things to a successful blogging business. Every blogger tries to get as many information and education as possible to increase blog traffic. I did my fair share of research and testing and came to understand a few things that are important to increase blog traffic.

I know how exciting it is to see a number higher than zero on your google analytics home screen. In this post, I’m going to discuss 10 simple and easy ways to increase blog traffic.


1. Content is King to increase blog Traffic

It is absolutely true that Content is king. If you want to be a successful blogger then start by creating valuable content. Content that is helpful, provides value to your readers.

Your content is the sole foundation of your successful blogging. If you want to become a successful blogger then start by producing strong content.

Everything depends on it. Your promotion, networking, collaboration all comes down to strong content.

Content that is interesting, funny and helpful. Creating a Valuable content is number one Priority for increasing your blog traffic.

Be Yourself and be transparent. Share with your readers’ things that are working for you. Share your mistakes and wins. I would definitely love to connect with people who are real and relatable.



Writing a valuable content is very important and so is Promotion. If you don’t let the world know about your strong content then nobody is going to know about it.

I read somewhere that a Successful blogging is 20% writing and 80% promoting.

This is where the world of Social media comes into play. For online Entrepreneurs like us, Social media is the key place to find our audience.

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram to Stumble upon, Google+ etc is the place to promote your blog post.


Join Facebook groups and promote your post. Be an active member and engage with others. Don’t just leave your link on promo day and expect it to work.

Join Group boards on Pinterest and pin regularly. User automatic pin scheduler like Tailwind to pin automatically to reach your pinning goal. Add a brief description and keywords to your boards.

Learn more about Pinterest and pinning from Pinterest Strategies.

Twitter and Instagram are also very popular with bloggers but depending on your niche and free time in hand choose your platform.

For example, Instagram is more visual so it would be very beneficial to Food bloggers, fashion & beauty blogger as well as photographer and designers.

Similarly, LinkedIn would be beneficial to bloggers teaching other bloggers, Personal finance, designers, VA, SEO experts to name a few.

So, there you go, select your platform according to your niche.

TIP: if you are not sure about anything then the best thing is to find out where the successful bloggers in your niche are promoting.

3.Network and be helpful

Blogging is all about networking and proving support. Interact with other bloggers on social media. Build a relationship with your mentor or blogger whose work you like by commenting on their post or sharing their post with your readers. Let them know about it and I’m sure they’ll return the favor too.

Caution: Please be real and genuine while commenting.

Help others whenever you can because what you give is what you get in return. I have been actively participating in many FB groups by sharing my tips and helping other bloggers. Guess what? It has resulted in a few subscribers.

It is a good way to make yourself known among other bloggers and also a way to share your blog post.

Caution: Only paste a link to your blog post when required (strategically) don’t be a spammer and paste the link into your post every time. Only when it is required.

If you are genuinely helping people then they’ll check your profile anyways and sign up for your email list. Don’t forget to have a link to your blog on your Facebook Profile page.


4. Take care of SEO

Make your post SEO friendly. It is very beneficial to get your post SEO optimized so that you’ll get the blessing of Google and other search engine and drive traffic to your site organically.

To help you on this journey is a very popular plugin called YOAST SEO on WordPress. Install it and start focusing on SEO.

Getting organic traffic is a long-term process so sooner you start focusing on it better it is for your blog.  Also, organic traffic means less time spent on promotion and more time to focus on your writing and content creation.

Check this post by one of the successful blogger- Neil Patel on Driving Organic traffic to your site.

Keywords & Headlines play a key role in driving organic traffic. There are many paid and a few free applications to find Keywords and headlines.

If you are on a budget then use this free one from KeyWord Finder where you can check five keywords free per day.


5. Check your Site Speed

A website that loads faster means great user experience, better conversion. If you want to Grow your Business then improve your website speed.

No one has time to sit and wait for a site to load when there are thousands of other sites offering similar content. Slow loading website definitely means bad user experience and less traffic.

Make sure that your website loads fast to increase your blog traffic and your hosting provider plays a big role here, that’s why I host my blog with SiteGround.

It is one of the best hosting company on the market and delivers what it promises- 99%uptime and a high-speed site.


6. Make your post shareable

Of course, more share means more traffic to your site, so make it very easy for your readers to share your blog post.

Please don’t make them search for your share button. Make your share button bright and easy to spot it.

There are tons of plugins to make it easier for your readers to share your post on social media, such as Kiwishare, Sumo, social share, social warfare etc.

But, be careful installing too many plugins as it could slow down your site.

I’m using Social warfare plugin to share my content.


7.Theme and Fonts

Theme and Fonts are not going to greatly increase your blog traffic but it surely going to decrease your traffic if you have a dull site or a very small font.

I don’t like to squeeze my eyes to read a blog post. So a blog with a small font or light color font is Big No, No for me. I have seen many blogs where fonts are either too small or it’s too faint in color.

Ideal font size is anywhere between 14-18 depending on the font you’re using. My font size is 19.

Similarly, a dull colored blog is not going to inspire readers to read a post unless they are your fan or your blog is very famous.

Your blog design doesn’t have to be an extraordinary, super beautiful but it should be easy to navigate, soothing to eyes and not too colorful.

Please make sure that your theme is mobile responsive as 70% of users are accessing internet on mobile phone.

Check your site regularly on mobile as well as on Desktop to see the load time as well as to check if everything works on every platform. I’m using Blogger Pro theme from Themeforest which is mobile responsive and easy to navigate.

You can also check or the famous DIVI them from the Elegant theme.



8. Consistency

Consistency helps to produce more content and better chances of getting ranked by a search engine as well as by your audiences.

More content means more chances to promote and variety for your audiences. So, if you are planning to increase your blog traffic then publish valuable contents regularly.

Most beginner bloggers believe that they need to publish a post every day. If you can do so nothing like that but if you publish quality content once or twice a week then it’s more than enough provided you already have few posts on your blog.

I publish two posts per week right now as I don’t have enough posts but once I hit 20-25 posts, I might shift to one post per week. So, you decide your frequency depending on your situation. Please never compromise on quality over quantity.


9. Email list

As we all know that money is in the list and since so many successful bloggers talk about email list building then it must be true.

I started email list building from day one and slowly I’m seeing a tiny amount of traffic from my email list. Since it’s been less than a month for my blog launch and to see a tiny amount of traffic from the list is proof that having an email list is worth it.

For a successful email list, email provider plays a big role so choose your email provider carefully. My email provider is Malerlite and I couldn’t recommend them more. They provide free service for up to 1000 subscribers and their services are the best.

Engage with your subscribers, reply to their emails. Ask them to contact you if they need any help.

I always ask my subscribers to contact me if they need any help and I reply to them with solutions. You can send a link to your latest post or old post which could possibly help them in their journey.


10. Interlinking your contents

Interlinking is a way of leaving a link to your other post that is related to your content or that could help the reader to get a deeper understand of the topic.

If you have noticed then I have left a couple of links to my other blog posts on this post that could help you further understand the topic.

So, my friends, these are 10 simple and easy way to increase blog traffic. If you follow these steps then you surely gonna see some increase in your traffic. If you have covered all these tips and still want to know more to increase your traffic.

She’ll show you step by step process to use keywords and optimize the blog posts to rank high in Google results.

If you are looking for ways to get a few steps ahead in terms of increasing blog traffic then this guide could be for you.

I hope these tips will help you and your blog traffic grow. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Please share and comment and let me know your ways to increase blog traffic.

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