
4 Surprising Facts About Remanufactured Ink Cartridges

Almost anyone who has ever purchased a printer knows the pain of purchasing ink. Many people are pleasantly surprised by how cheap a printer is, until they head to the store and discover how expensive the replacement printing cartridge is.

Major printing companies like Brother, Canon, and Epsom don’t make their money off of their printer sales, they make it off of their ink cartridges. Therefore, if you are an avid printer you would be wise to focus on how to decrease your ink cartridge spending versus comparing printer models. While it is true that there are price differences between inkjet and laser printers, the bottom line is you have to figure out a way around buying a brand name ink cartridge.

This is where buying remanufactured ink comes into play. Remanufactured ink is an excellent way to reduce the price you pay on ink while helping to reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. It is also fairly easy to find if you spend a little time on Google and look outside of the big box stores. Companies like Yoyoink offer affordable remanufactured ink cartridges that help bring down office supply costs without compromising quality.

Unsure about buying remanufactured ink cartridges or looking for more information? Here are three things that you should know about buying remanufactured ink before you take the leap. The best way to figure out if remanufactured ink is a cost-cutting solution for your business is to take a closer look at it.

Remanufactured Ink Saves You Money and the Environment

Climate concern is a real threat in the modern world, and remanufactured ink helps reduce your business’s carbon footprint. Remanufactured ink cartridges are composed of almost all reconstituted materials and products. Most ink cartridges are made out of plastic, so instead of buying another cartridge that will sit in a landfill for the next 400 or so years, consider buying a recycled product. This way you can slice your office supply budget and impact on the environment in one move.

Remanufactured Ink Offers Equivalent Quality

The big ink companies would like you to believe that remanufactured ink cartridges offer a lower quality of ink than their brand name components. However, this simply isn’t true. Like anything else, the quality of the ink that you purchase depends on the company that you choose to buy from.

Before buying remanufactured ink do some searching around and read reviews. If you buy from a legitimate and dedicated company, you will receive an ink cartridge that prints just as good or even better than its brand name competitor.

Remanufactured Ink Can Stretch Further

Depending on the remanufactured ink supplier you choose to use, sometimes you will actually get more ink for your money. Much like a vacuum-sealed bag of chips that is full of air, most brand name ink cartridges are only filled to the designated line on the cartridge.

On the other hand, many remanufactured ink producers choose to fill ink cartridges to the maximum capacity. This means that you actually may get more ink when you choose to buy from a remanufactured ink company. Instead of paying for empty space, you can get a full product which can make it a bit more enticing to return for more once your cartridge runs dry.

Using Remanufactured Ink Cartridges Will Not Void Your Printer Warranty

Finally, it is important to know that using a remanufactured ink cartridge will not void your printer’s warranty. By law manufacturers cannot force you to purchase their products exclusively, therefore, they cannot penalize you if you choose to buy an aftermarket ink product like the one offered by

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