
5 Tips for Summer for the Incoming College Freshman

Gearing up to become a freshman in college is a scary time. You are caught in limbo, somewhere between living in your first dorm room/apartment and no longer being the child who is forced to go to school every day.

The summer before college is an important experience, but it can be easy to wish away the time you have left as you look forward to your new adventure. This list is meant to help you savor the last moments of your childhood before you step into the real world that begins in your college experience.

Let Your Mom Take Care of You

Never again will your mom be so willing to baby you. Let her do things for you and do not take her love for granted. More likely than not, she is feeling a little bit sad that you are about to move off to college; let her give you those goodnight hugs for a few more weeks.

Spend Time with High School Buddies

Many people do not realize how quickly you grow away from the friends that you made in high school. The reality is that each of your high school friends is about to begin a new journey and no matter how hard you try, some of you will wind up wandering down a new path away from your friend group. Soak up the last moments of guaranteed fun that you have with those friends you cherish.

Make a Bucket List of Activities to Complete

Making a list of things to do or accomplish in your hometown is a great way to stay focused on making the most of your summer. These can be as simple as eating ice cream with your friend or finding a fishing hole on your own.

Document Your New Journey

You probably have many of your high school memories documented through pictures and social media as well as your yearbook. Now is the perfect time to build your own blog or begin a Youtube channel to document your journey into college.

Do Not Waste Your Summer

Whatever you do, make sure that it is fun and full of the people and the places that have made you who you are today. If you spend too much time looking forward to your moving to your new college, then you will lose the rest of the time that you have left. Instead, spend your last summer cherishing what you still have to enjoy.

Final Thoughts

College is exciting, there is no doubt that it is going to be a fun and amazing journey. However, the moments right before you leave for college are precious and they are so easily lost in the hustle and bustle of getting ready for your new journey. Do not forget to savor the last of the experience of living at home full time. Soon, your world will be forever changed by the new friends and experiences that you have as you begin college.

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