
5 Ways to Make Your Small Business Cost-Effective

Small Business

Running a business profitably can be tricky. There is something to be said about having your own place in the market. However, it can also be quite costly. Before it can be profitable, a business needs to be run properly, and that means adequate budget for employees, advertisements, and such.

So to help you out, here are some ways you can run your small business in a cost-effective way:

  1. Share Your Workplace

Having a private place for your business is very tempting. When your business has its own space, you are free to do whatever you want to do with it. It also gives your business a sense of independence.

However, the downside here is that you will also shoulder the whole rent, and one of the highest monthly expenses of a business is the rent. If it’s not really necessary for your business to have its own private space, consider sharing your workplace with another business. A lot of businesses do this as it’s very cost-effective.

You can choose whom you want to share the workplace with; it can even play to your advantage if the other business can pass on potential clients.

  1. Outsource Employees

Employees are an essential part of your business. Without them, there is a high possibility that your work in the office won’t get done. Having said that, maintaining them can also be extremely costly for your business, especially if you’re maintaining a number of them.

Fortunately, virtual assistants are now a thing. If you go to websites that offer this kind of service, you will find that it’s possible for you to not hire full-time employees, allowing you to cut down massive expenses. Virtual assistants can easily help you to get your work done remotely through any part of world with cloud based working environments such as using multi-user citrix virtual desktop or hosted virtual desktop.

  1. Lay Off Paid and Traditional Advertisements

Another very costly part of running a business is advertising. The dilemma here is that even though advertising can be expensive, it plays a vital role in the company’s success which means that it’s quite impossible to let it go.

What you can do here is to find ways to advertise without spending much or at all. With today’s technology, there can be a number of ways for your business to advertise in a more affordable way.

“You can write an article for a magazine. If you ask an industry magazine to advertise your business, you will have to pay them, but if you write an article for them, that can be free. You can also attend local networking events and personally advertise your business. You can make your own promotional coupons and promote it for free using local online communities and groups.”says Christine Brown,a small business consultant at Gomontana, a website that curates local  online deals and coupons.

  1. Partner Up with Colleges and Universities

Connections are everything, and in a business, they can be extremely helpful. Running a business will require you to coordinate with other professionals like lawyers and accountants, and hiring them can be really costly too.

That said, try reaching out to your past professors and/or university. College students are mostly required to have experience as interns, and so it’s the perfect opportunity for you and your business to get the job you need to be done for a lesser fee all the while helping out these students get the experience they need.

  1. Make Use of the Internet for Communications

Your business will have to have communication lines that will enable consumers or clients to reach out to you. This means communication bills such as phone bills. To save expenses, just get the most practical or basic phone package, and then make use of the internet. For example, have accounts in free apps such as Viber and Line to allow free or less expensive communication with potential clients anywhere in the world.


It’s true that running a business can be costly, but that doesn’t mean that there are no ways for you to lessen these expenses. You just have to be resourceful enough, and follow tips just like the ones given above.

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