Are you in the market of buying or selling a home? If yes, then you know the importance certain things are in the eyes of the consumer. While most big home improvements are bound to bring big value to the property, there are some smaller upgrades that can bring a lot of value to the table as well.
Nice Landscaping
Your eyes give you your first impressions of a home. A well designed landscaped home, will attract more customers willing to pay a higher price. Studies show that the perceived value of a home goes up by as much as 12% for a well landscaped home. That is an increase on average of about $20,000-$35,000! Depending on what exactly is included in the landscaping, bushes, fruit trees, sprinkler system, will determine how big of an increase it will bring.
Fresh Coat of Paint:
Installing A Fireplace And Chimney:
House Cleaning Services:
Home Insulation:
Maintaining Your HVAC System:
Keeping on top of your heating and cooling systems is just a matter of prioritizing. Make sure to change the air filters regularly, keep debris and dirt away from your air compressor, and get all repairs done in a timely fashion. This is something potential buyers will be able to feel when they come to check out your home.