
7 Ways Cloud Solutions are Changing Businesses


It was not that long ago when people would tell others they would need to wait until they could send a file they have on their PC or laptop at work, due to inaccessibility. This is no longer a problem these days, at work or otherwise. Basically, everything you do is now accessible online at all times. Be it your favorite movies or TV shows, you can access them at any time on the cloud. Even the notes you make are now stored on the cloud since they are quite important after all.

Cloud solutions have changed how people communicate and work. In the world of business, these improvements have led to new expectations. But let’s take a look at what has changed the most.

1.     Businesses are Operational 24/7

Due to everything being available on the cloud at all times, maintaining a work-life balance is harder than ever before.

Since everything is accessible at any time of the day, employees are unable to keep their work and everyday life separate. The fact that mobile phones have become even more integrated does not help either. The cloud demands employees to stay vigilant at all times. If someone needs a document or a quick fix, that will not be a problem. Because all you need to do is to access that document on your phone, make the changes that are needed, and send it pronto.

The cloud has made it possible for businesses to go above and beyond the call of duty to serve their customers, all the while making remote work a reality.

2.     Increases Productivity

Businesses that invest in the cloud will gain a central repository where their data can be stored, communication and processing can take place. With such a central hub, employees can practically work from anywhere in the world, using internet-enabled devices of their choosing. But that is not all; employees can connect with their customers to ensure top-notch customer support.

Through the integration of cloud services, companies also benefit from a considerable increase in savings. With the cloud in place, everything can be made to fit into place, like a cloud accounting software program can be linked to a customer relationship management software program, etc. For this reason, and numerous others, it is not difficult to see why start-ups are making the most of these services. They are scalable (more on that later), and are changing how businesses operate, boosting productivity by leaps and bounds.

3.     Everything is more Efficient

The business world is quite aware of the problems associated with version control.

When there is a constant exchange of files and documents, you can’t tell if you are working with the latest version. Despite every team going out of their way to take responsibility for keeping things organized, there will be mistakes no matter what.

Fortunately, this no longer is a problem due to the cloud. On the cloud, documents and files can be adjusted and edited in real-time. Taking Google Drive as an example, you can see how easy it is to edit and share documents and files. You will not have to worry about uploading and downloading files over and over again.

4.     Drop-in Overheads

When a business opts for a cloud service, it does not incur any costs. It is their cloud service of choice that incurs all the costs.

No matter the size of an organization, the costs can add up real quick for keeping such a service in-house. This will include costs like upkeep and general maintenance, cost of servers for data hosting, and so on. Taking care of all of this internally will become a project of its own. Frankly speaking, many companies do not have that kind of money.

The good news is the cloud reduces the barriers to entry for a frictionless experience. Companies can rely on cloud providers to take care of all the necessary duties without having to build a dedicated platform for their internal infrastructure. Since such companies can save so much money, they can invest it elsewhere. Also, they will be able to improve their processes simultaneously. Said companies will be able to innovate and operate faster, ultimately allowing the company to reach new heights like never before.

5.     Enhanced Data Security

When companies, large and small, adopt the cloud, security becomes essential. Due to this, cloud service providers have already started upping their security game. To put things into perspective, a recent survey concluded that security is longer the top concern for companies looking into cloud service. However, that does not mean cloud companies can rest easy twiddling their thumbs.

Cloud service providers will still need to improve and innovate so that they can accommodate some heavy hitters like Ford. Ford has produced connected cars, and this can be dangerous if the data from those cars is compromised.

Agreed, security may still be a concern for some companies, but cloud service providers are working rigorously to enhance their security measures to meet and exceed customer expectations.

6.     Scalability

Due to cloud services, businesses can expand or reduce their computing resources as per their requirements. This is important for growing enterprises and start-ups, giving them control over the resources they need without having to spend a considerable amount of money on hardware and software, thus cutting down on operational costs at the same time.

7.     Fault Resiliency

When businesses have their own servers to deal with, they need to buy additional hardware in case of an emergency or other extreme cases, like when data needs to be duplicated. Such problems can be eradicated once and for all by moving to the cloud. Cloud eliminates susceptibility and redundancy to outages. So when a business moves to the cloud, they enjoy greater reliability while getting access to information whenever they need it.

Now that you know of the benefits that cloud solutions bring to the table for businesses, you should consider migrating to the cloud, if you have not already. Once you move to the cloud, the possibilities will be limitless. If there is ever a problem, you can always count on Microsoft teams to take care of the problem for you, as you concentrate on tasks and operations that require your undivided attention.

Of course, the benefits mentioned above are just a few, and every business benefits in a different way, so you will need to do your homework to make sure you are opting for the best cloud service provider out there. Then, and only then, will your business benefit in the long run.

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