
Attorney Samir Hadeed on the Difficulties Entrepreneurs are Facing During the Current Pandemic

There’s no denying the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the economy. Every industry in every sector has been affected. Small business and entrepreneurs have been especially impacted, left struggling to stay afloat during such an economic downturn.

Samir Hadeed, a lawyer specializing in criminal law, personal injury, and auto accidents in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has witnessed these difficulties firsthand. He provides his insight into the different challenges entrepreneurs are currently facing as a result of the pandemic.

Keep Up with Changing Legislation

 One of the toughest things about running a business during the pandemic is keeping up with the various restrictions and laws that are constantly changing, shares attorney Samir Hadeed. The business landscape has never changed at such a rapid pace before and it’s extremely difficult for entrepreneurs to keep up. It feels like every month, between the municipal, state, and federal governments, a new law or restriction is either being put in place or taken away. While less restrictions are better for business, it is still exhausting, not to mention costly, to have to go back and forth.

Business owners essentially need to be monitoring the news at all levels on a daily basis, in case a new law is announced. Not only do they have to keep an eye out for new COVID-19 health and safety restrictions, but also for updates on any taxes, benefits, and grants that may pertain to their business. Further, Samir Hadeed lawyer notes that many entrepreneurs are worried that if they miss something, they could be fined, adding to their already growing financial burdens. Overall, running a business during the pandemic has not proven to be an easy feat, especially with the constantly changing legislation and restrictions.

Prioritizing Mental Health

 Being cooped up inside, seeing people dying and suffering, having your business struggle like never before — all of this takes a serious toll on one’s mental health. That is why yet another difficulty entrepreneurs are facing during this pandemic is finding a balance and a way to stay mentally healthy. Feeling scared and anxious is extremely common right now, especially among entrepreneurs. Such emotions can make it even more stressful when they’re trying to do their best to honor both their existing employees and their customers.

According to Samir Hadeed lawyer, for these reasons, it’s of the utmost importance that entrepreneurs avoid burnout by carving out time for themselves. Though it might be hard during this trying time, it is imperative that entrepreneurs take a break from work and spend some time recharging, whether this takes the form of spending time with family, going for a run or walk, or curling up in bed with a book. These breaks in work are both imperative to mental and physical health. Entrepreneurs will give themselves the opportunity to be much more productive, less stressed, and healthier overall if they can prioritize their mental health during the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.

Lawyer Samir Hadeed on Tackling Challenges One at a Time

 Finally, with so much zoing on, it can be hard for entrepreneurs to focus on one obstacle or challenge. However, this is what must be done in order to effectively take on all of them. If you fail to choose a sole focus, it will be easy to get overwhelmed and not accomplish anything. That is why it’s a good idea to prioritize tasks and knock them off one at a time. For example, during a pandemic, attorney Samir Hadeed notes that the first order of business should be the safety of your employees. From there, you’ll want to communicate with your customers, in regard to both the new health and safety measures you’re taking, as well as any changes to operations (such as if you’ve closed your physical locations and are now only online or open for curbside pick-up). Your third priority might be stakeholders and the broader financial side of the business. Ultimately, entrepreneurs will need to make some quick and tough decisions during the pandemic and having a clear list of priorities that you tackle one at a time is the best way to do this.

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