
Biometric Identification and Online Biometric Verification: Similar Uses Different Means

Biometric identification is used for identity verifications, by making use of the human biometrics. Using the Biometric Identification, the identity verification is performed using the biometrics, which is stored in the biometrics databases. By cross-checking the real-time biometrics with the ones stored in the database, online biometric verification is performed. Thereby, biometrics solutions, authenticate the users trying to have access.

Databases, after being digitized and computerized, have made biometrics solutions to be adopted vastly. The reason being, it ensures secure access to the system, using the biometrics of the very person.

The vulnerability of the user accounts and the lack of complete accesses over them, prove to be the primary reason of online frauds, identity thefts, and other cyber attacks. Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) makes it obligatory for making the digital data of the users protected. It makes online businesses obligatory in protecting the privacy of user data as well.

Making compliance with the GDPR is obligatory; so is with the other rules and regulations. However, the compliance to protect user data is a stake, when user data is breach or accounts is expose to the digital frauds. This, not only is non-compliance, but the survival of any company is jeopardizing. Therefore, online biometric verification has undeniable importance.

It is pertaining to mention, the biometric identification online process is a part of the Biometric identification. Biometric identification involves carrying out verifications using the biometrics in the real world. While, performing biometric identification online involves verifying the human biometrics online, and thus the users.

Defining Biometric Identification:

The biometric identification involves using biometric services. This entails making identity verifications by using unique human biological traits. The unique human biological traits such as fingerprints, faces, hand geometries, retina and iris of the eyes, earlobe geometries, human voice patterns, and the DNA.

How Biometric Identification is standing out from Non-Biometric Identification:

The biometric identification, since shortly after its introduction, has stood out from the traditional identity verification. In comparison to the biometric identification, non-biometric identifications are more vulnerable to digital threats. Due to this reason, reportedly, almost half of the smartphones have incorporated biometric identifications. Also, one by third organizations is making use of biometric solutions for the sake of making employee identification. A survey conducted by Spiceworks reveals more than 60% of organizations are making the most of biometric services, with 24% planning on using it in the next two years.

The triumph of Biometric Identification while this pandemic:

Biometric solutions for their role during the COVID19 are being hailed greatly.

Biometric services performing contactless verifications:

During the pandemic COVID-19, the need to have contactless identity verification, especially biometric verification, was felt more than ever. Social distancing is still being observed and has become a matter of survival for the human race. Under such circumstances, performing identity verification, by the means of fingerprint scanners, was no longer acceptable. Therefore, there has been a need for carrying out a non-physical biometric identification.

By making the use of the retina and iris of the eyes, companies have been implementing the contactless verifications, the world was in immediate need of. The biometric solutions also make use of facial recognition for the sake of contactless verifications in organizations.

Performing biometric identifications online for new-online businesses:

Due to the CoronaVirus, the businesses operating traditionally since their existence is forcing to have their services shifted online. Because of this, business transactions were also performing online. Owing to this, online businesses had to have their businesses secured from the fraudsters.

Online businesses, therefore, by performing biometric verification online, made their online businesses secured from online frauds and threats.

Biometric Identification and the Use Cases:

To the best of our knowledge and experience, we have made a list compromising of the following use cases of a biometric identity verification system:

1.    Door locking control:

The most pertaining and common use of a biometrics identity verification system is probably the door lock control. However, it is important to mention that a door lock control is no limit for entry to any organizational premises; it, in fact, goes beyond that.

Since there are server rooms in organizations and access to them should be authorized. Biometric identity verification systems can be using for authorizing entries to the server room.

Data, as we know, is what to the digital world, what gold is to the real-world. That said, there exist data centers in the organizations, and access to them should be highly confidential, for all the obvious reasons. It goes without saying, why the use of biometric identity verification systems for authorizing accesses to data centers and rooms is significant.

2.    Sign-in by Biometrics:

Online businesses perform biometric verification online for granting access to customers online. The sign-in using biometrics involves the online system authenticating the customers for the purposes as :

  • Transactions of high-value
  • Online Purchases
  • Billing payments

Financial entities also make the most out of biometric identity verification systems for the sake of verifying and identifying their customers. Verifying customer identifications lays the foundation for secure digital banking and is inevitable for financial institutions.

3.    Maximizing Public Security:

Identifying criminal and terrorist individuals at public places by the biometric-enabled4 security cameras. A biometric identity verification system can then be used to trace and locate the wanted criminals and terrorists.  Besides, biometric-enabled cameras are also being used for the general security of the public.

4.    Biometrics-enabled travel security:

Biometrics-enables travel security implements security checks for passenger onboarding in a rather quick and efficient manner. Without making the passengers exhausted, the biometrics system identifies passenger identities using the biometrics mechanisms.

5.    E-Services for Health and Education Industry:

Digital health services can also avail the biometric identity verification system for providing better health services; by making patient accounts and verified patients afterward, patients can be medically examined and treat online, without the patients need to visit the doctor.

For authenticating students, while the quizzes being conduct online, biometric identification can be made use of. A biometric identity verification system would authenticate the students prior and between the quizzes, for ensuring the transparency.

Author Bio:

Jesse Roy is a shufti pro identity verification expert and writer of various blogs Advanced technology like artificial intelligence, computer science, and machine learning. He has also worked as a consultant, mostly assisting small businesses in digitization and prevention of fraud online.

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