
Buying a sports car: does it make sense?

Sports cars have always been and are the subject of the desire of a real motorist, regardless of his nationality, age, and financial situation. Beautiful, powerful, and fast cars look unusually impressive on screens and glossy pages. But how practical are they? Is a sports car really necessary in everyday life?

Is it worth buying such a masterpiece of design at all if you accidentally have a couple of hundred thousand dollars in your pocket, or is it better to spend them on more utilitarian SUVs?

Why buy sports cars at all?

Indeed, it should be recognized that the use of such machines is minimal. But why then do people buy the same “Ferrari”, “Lamborghini”, “Bugatti” or “Maserati”, if their real advantage over the same luxury crossovers consists only in greater speed and acceleration dynamics?

Auto experts and marketers have carefully studied this issue and found out the main reasons for buying these uncomfortable, noisy, and gluttonous offspring of scientific and technological progress.

High aestheticism. What sports supercars cannot be denied is their beauty. The design of sports cars is their main feature, directly related to their speed qualities. The hidden swiftness and dynamics, felt in every contour of their squat silhouette, involuntarily arouses admiration among those around them.

Social status. Buying an expensive car is a great way to emphasize your high social status or, in extreme cases, to satisfy your ambitions and complexes. From this point of view, a sports car should be seen as part of the image of a successful person.

An opportunity to impress. For example, to the opposite sex. It is no secret that a powerful and fast car is considered an integral attribute of a real macho, an alpha male who has constant success among the fair half of humanity.

Drive. The most important reason ultra-fast roadsters are purchased is the desire to feel the maximum drive from the frantic dynamics. The feeling of almost cosmic overloads, when the car accelerates by a hundred km/h in 3-4 seconds, the vibration of 500-600 horses madly rushing forward under the hood – this is worth a lot for a true connoisseur of speed.

But with the implementation of this point in practice, serious problems may arise. Indeed, in order to show itself in all its glory, a sports supercar also needs the corresponding roads, which are not available everywhere.

Belonging to a legendary brand or model. Often, a potential owner does not choose between Ferrari or Bugatti but strives to own a certain model. Sometimes they are admitted to be attached to a particular brand. How often do you see the turn of the head in response to the phrase “Look at this guy! He drove the latest generation Chevrolet Camaro!”

Passion for racing or sports cars. Often, the owner of a sports car becomes such only after the start of active racing practice. These can be test races as part of a certain team, which later develops into true love.

The category of fans also stands out here, which monitors the appearance of each subsequent generation of the model (if such an update takes place) in order to get a new car into its collection in time or change it. Others express adherence to only a particular model. For the sake of owning it, the owner is ready to go to the costs associated with the restoration of the car.

Who is buying?

It is difficult to imagine a collective image of the owner of a sports car. At first, it appears as a young, successful person, slightly over 30 years old, who loves speed, does not have a family, and is not constrained in funds. But in practice, among fans of speed, you can find young women and fit men over 50. So there is no general approach in this case.

Those who do not have the opportunity to purchase a car that can give true pleasure from power and drive, rent sports cars (as here for example – Dubai Ferrari rental), for a touch of luxury and an unforgettable adrenaline rush.


A sports car doesn’t have to be exclusive. Today there are many production cars with the characteristics of a racing car. And some explain the popularity of such copies by the best engineering solutions of the brand assembled in one car. This can be, for example:

  • energy-intensive and moderately stiff suspension;
  • high specific engine output;
  • thoughtful aerodynamics;
  • the most comfortable driver’s seat with well-thought-out ergonomics.

People just like driving such a car.

Is it worth it?

And yet, when deciding to buy a sports car, one should not discount its unprecedented gluttony. According to this indicator, any sports supercar will give odds to an all-wheel-drive SUV.

This will be especially noticeable when driving in the urban cycle, where gasoline consumption is usually from 20 to 30 liters per hundred kilometers of streets. To this should be added the high cost of qualified maintenance, the unprecedented cost of original spare parts. All this makes buying a sports car for everyday use an extremely unreasonable decision.

If you buy such a car, then only as a kind of thoroughbred horse, intended for holiday trips. And for everyday life, you should have a second car, even a “mongrel nag”, but not so gluttonous and quite unpretentious.

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