
Enhance Online Effectiveness with Actionable Intelligence

Actionable intelligence is gaining an increasingly important role in the overarching digital strategy. The term speaks to the ability of advertisers to combine their existing website analytics with other forms of data to discover new patterns, opportunities, and consumer behavior when it comes to online advertising.

Measuring Effectiveness

It’s crucial when you are looking for potential leads or customers online to be able to measure effectiveness – this is where the term actionable intelligence becomes a crucial part of digital marketing.

What is Actionable Intelligence?

Actionable intelligence is a technique for harnessing data from all sources and setting it in motion to gain marketing advantages. While the analytics sector first coined the term, it has since been adopted by marketing experts, who use website metrics and other available information to inform their outreach strategies.

The Power of Actionable Intelligence

Any business will have to decide what their selling points are and how to convey them to convince online customers to connect with the brand. For this, it’s important to discover the best ways of reaching out through digital channels.

These practices can be aided by actionable intelligence to ensure that your outreach efforts are as effective as possible. What’s more, you can use the science of marketing research to find which social media networks and search engines people are most likely to respond to – be it a Google Adwords campaign or a Facebook contest – then adjust your online approach accordingly.

Tapping into Actionable Intelligence

Actionable intelligence techniques can assist marketers in several ways, from discovering the most effective outreach methods to maximizing online influence. To implement these practices, companies must integrate their existing analytical software with new digital marketing techniques or take benefit from online charting tools.

Any business’s success depends on its capacity to reach out and connect with an audience – especially when it comes to online sales and marketing. With actionable intelligence, you can ensure that your digital efforts are working as hard as possible for your brand and business goals.

Fuse Online and Offline Marketing Data to Improve Campaigns

While the internet has changed the way we do business in many ways, it’s important to remember how effective traditional advertising continues to be.

Many brands and companies still use TV and radio ads and billboards, and print media promotions to let consumers know about their business and what makes it special. Yet, with so many forms of outreach to keep track of, it can be difficult to discern where your company is most effective at gaining attention.

Types of Actionable Intelligence

Many different types of actionable intelligence can assist your marketing strategy. Some of these include:

Sentiment analysis

The ability to analyze public opinion on social media and internet forums to discover what consumers think about specific topics or products. This type of research is often used by brands wanting to stay ahead of any public criticism or negative press.

Marketing mix modeling

The ability to monitor sales and gather consumer data to create highly-targeted ad campaigns based on specific customer preferences and needs. This type of research is often used by retailers who want to reach out directly through social media platforms and online marketing networks.

Channel optimization

The capacity to measure the effectiveness of your digital outreach efforts and use those results to refine your online marketing strategy. This type of intelligence is used by companies who want to make sure their website traffic isn’t going to waste due to ineffective search engine optimization or social media campaigns.


The capacity to monitor where your consumers come from to plan specific marketing campaigns for regional demographics. This type of research is often used by restaurants, cafés, and other local businesses that want to monitor their neighborhood growth to improve their business acumen.

Customer journey analytics

The ability to monitor how your customers engage with your brand online to measure performance across social media, websites, and online networks. This type of research is often used by companies who want to discover which strategies are pushing customers away from their brand and those that are successfully gaining their new business.

The right combination of actionable intelligence can help your marketing team improve its outreach efforts across many different network channels – increasing conversions, boosting local traffic, and focusing on the most effective online marketing methods.

Actionable Business Intelligence Tools

Successful marketing campaigns always have a bit of science behind them. Still, data visualization techniques such as the Sankey diagrams take the guesswork out of creating reports and benchmarking your company’s performance. Such tools show you where all your efforts are going and which strategies are the most effective in driving sales.

These business intelligence tools tap into a wide range of information to help you improve your marketing efforts.

Actionable Intelligence in Marketing Strategy

To have a successful marketing strategy, you need to have access to the information that will help guide your company’s decisions when it comes to outreach. Knowing which network channels are bringing in customers and boosting conversions can help determine where your money is best spent, while analytics tools reveal what strategies are most effective in converting online traffic into real-world sales.

Data visualization techniques such as the Sankey diagrams help bring all this information together in a way that any marketing team – regardless of size – can easily interpret.


Digital marketing strategies need to enable marketers to make intelligent, data-driven decisions. Without actionable intelligence, marketers are often left wondering if their tactics are the most effective or efficient to achieve their goals. By providing marketers with accurate information, business intelligence tools simplify creating reports and gauging the effectiveness of different strategies. This enables higher conversions, boosts local traffic, and increases sales revenue.

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