
6 Useful Tools to Help You Identify Fonts in Images

find font from image

You come across an endless amount of images with text on them. Those images could either be advertising or something else. Either way, it’s nothing out of the ordinary to see a font that you want on a picture, find font from image.

The only problem is that you have no idea what that font is called. The good news is that there are various free tools you can use to identify that font. With the following apps, you’ll always be able to identify a font.

1. FontSquirrel Matcherator

If the name alone isn’t enough to reel you in then we don’t know what is. In all seriousness, FontSquirrel is a great site that lets you download hundreds of different font types, chat with fellow font fans on the blog, and even buy t-shirts!

Tools Identify Fonts In Images

Crucially, it has a very good font identifier tool that lets you drag-and-drop an image right into it, then scan it for fonts. It’s very slick and accurate, offering you multiple typefaces that best match the one you entered, and letting you go ahead and purchase them right away! find font from image

2. WhatFontIs

Next up is WhatFontIs. It’s a great tool to identify fonts but one that you’ll need to register for if you want to enjoy everything it has to offer. With the web app, just upload the image that has the font you want to identify and click continue.


After specifying the fonts you want to recognize, the app gives you a list of possible matches. You can also use WhatFontIs as a Chrome extension if you want to identify a font that is not in an image.

3. Fontspring Matcherator

Fontspring Matcherator is easier to use than the first option since you only need to click on the font you want to identify. It also has a nicer design and gives you a better presentation on the font names it finds for you.


If you need to download those fonts, the downside is that they are on the very expensive side. For example, If you want to buy a sixty-five font family such as Minion Pro italic, medium, bold, etc., it will set you back $569. If you only want to know the name of the font, this is a good tool to try out find font from image.

4. WhatTheFont

One of the most popular font identifying web apps is WhatThe Font. With this app there are some rules to follow such as making sure that the fonts in the image aren’t touching, the height of the letter should be 100 pixels, and the text should be as horizontal as possible. Find font from image.


Once you’ve uploaded your image and have typed the font you want to identify, the app will list the results to the left of the next page. You’ll see the name of the font, an example of it and the name of the creator. If you feel that you don’t have a good match, the app gives you the option to consult an expert.

5. FontEdge

FontEdge may not be as well-known as the previous options, but it’s worth a try. Click on the Image icon with the arrow pointing up to upload your image. At the bottom, type in the letters that have the font you want to identify.


Click on the “Identify Now” button and look for the option that best fits that font you like. Since there’s a good chance that you’ll get more than one result, click on the one you think is the font you want. At the bottom you’ll see an example of how that will look.

6. Quora

As you may know, Quora is where most users go to get answers to their questions. Inside Quora’s many subjects, there is a category called Typeface Identification where you can upload an image and ask if anyone knows the name of the font.


With so many users, there’s a good chance that an expert on the subject could see it and help you out. You can get an expert opinion without having to pay for it.


Sooner or later you’re going to come across some good-looking fonts. Thanks to the tools above, finding out the names of those fonts is going to be a lot easier. Did I miss a tool you use to identify a font in an image? If so, let us know which one it is in the comments below.

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