
Forms of higher education: what are the differences

What form of education to choose – depends on the life situation and opportunities of the future student.

If you have to combine study and work, spending all the time in university is not possible. The modern education system takes this into account, so there are the classical forms of education at university: full-time and part-time, and there are relatively new – part-time and distance. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.


Full-time study is the most popular form of higher or secondary education. The student attends classes during the day from morning to afternoon. There are three to five classes a day, which last an hour and a half each day. Attendance of lectures, seminars, and practical training are compulsory conditions of full-time education. Its duration is 4 years for undergraduate programs and 5 years for specialists.


  • in-depth study of the material;
  • regular communication with the instructor;
  • opportunity to study for free;
  • benefits for travel, visits to theaters and museums, deferment from the army;
  • valued by employers.


  • high competition and the price of tuition;
  • practically impossible to combine work and study without using essay help websites like;
  • constant supervision of teachers;
  • frequent tests and examinations.


All forms of study at the university include the part-time form. Part-time students attend university during sessions twice a year. The session lasts about a month. During this time, students attend classes and take exams at the end. Correspondence students study 80% of the material on their own, write term papers and tests. The period of study depends on the university and the specialty.


  • You can combine study and work;
  • the lower cost of training;
  • application of new knowledge at work;
  • suitable for obtaining additional education;
  • a flexible training schedule.


  • infrequent communication with the instructor;
  • the negative attitude of some employers;
  • an independent search of training materials.


If a student chooses the part-time form of study, he or she attends classes in the evenings 2 to 3 times a week or on weekends. The exact time depends on the field of study and the school, but usually, classes begin after 6 p.m., so that you can balance study and work. Part-time studies are longer than full-time studies by six months or a year, but the curriculum for both forms remains the same.


  • you can combine your work and study;
  • regular communication with the teachers;
  • The curriculum is the same as for the full-time department;
  • it is easier to enter because of the lower passing score.


  • lasts longer than the full-time form of study;
  • no benefits for students;
  • a heavy workload when combining work and study;
  • a limited choice of specialties.

Distance learning

Distance learning is the same as online learning. The student only needs a computer, fast Internet and a camera to communicate with the teacher. Some universities even conduct sessions in an online format. As with the correspondence form, the period of study is determined by the university.


  • flexible schedule;
  • it is easy to combine with work;
  • it is possible to study from anywhere in the world;
  • provides up-to-date information about the subject;
  • the best option for advanced training.


  • lack of personal contact with the teacher;
  • limited choice of specialties;
  • lack of benefits for students;
  • many distractions;
  • very narrowly focused knowledge.

To complete your studies and get your diploma, you will have to write academic papers: essays, term papers, and, in the end, the diploma itself.

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