
How To Fix Fortnite Error Code 30005

Fortnite Error Code 30005

Best To Fix Fortnite Error Code will be discussed in this article. Hello everyone, today we’re here to discuss how to resolve Fortnite problem code 30005. Many people are currently seeing this error upon launching Fortnite, and many are unable to figure out how to resolve this problem. So, we’ve provided a straightforward, step-by-step procedure for fixing this problem here.

How To Fix Fortnite Error Code 30005

In this article, you can know about How To Fix Fortnite Error Code 30005 here are the details below;

Epic Games created and released the online multiplayer video game Fortnite in 2017. This amazing game has three different game modes, all of which essentially share the same gameplay with Unreal Engine as the game engine. However, the most played and well-liked variation is the Battle Royale version, in which a team of four players engages in combat with other teams, with the last team standing from a total of 100 players winning.

Why Fortnite error code 30005 is Occurring?

Why Fortnite error code 30005 is Occurring

This error code is primarily caused by a bug in your Fortnite Easy Anti-cheat files. Therefore, the answer to your question about how to fix Fortnite problem number 30005 is to clean away the Easy Anti-cheat file of your Fortnite battle royale game. On your computer, if you are conscious of the exact location of the Fortnite Easy Anti-cheat folder, you can go there to delete and then reinstall the Easy Anti-cheat setup. If you don’t know where these files exist on your computer, just follow the straightforward instructions below to resolve this issue.

Setps to fix fortnite Error code 30005

Setps to fix fortnite Error code 30005

Finding the drive where Fortnite Battle Royale is installed is the first step. After that, carry out the following actions:

  • Access the install directory for Epic Games.
  • Fortnite binaries for Win64 from Epic Games with EasyAntiCheat
  • Install Directory for Epic Games
  • Find EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe and launch it after entering the EasyAntiCheat folder.
  • Allowing it may be necessary if the administration is involved.
  • The EasyAntiCheat service window is now visible.
  • Choose Fortnite from the drop-down menu in this window, then click Uninstall.
  • Remove EasyAntiCheat
  • After it has been removed, a new installation option for Easy Anti-Cheat will show up; select it to begin installation.
  • Click the Finish button now.
  • Setup EasyAntiCheat
  • Launch Fortnite by clicking on a launch and restarting your Epic Games launcher.

Hurray!! Your Fortnite is now error-free and functioning properly. But regrettably, if this approach does not work for you, we advise that you completely remove Fortnite and then reinstall it. And try the aforementioned procedure once again; this will undoubtedly assist in fixing the Fortnite error code 30005 problem.


We believe the discussion above will assist you in creating a flawless game. However, if you persist to have questions or concerns about Fortnite problem code 30005. Then please feel free to obtain in touch with us via our Facebook page and the comment area. I appreciate it; see you later.

Does Fortnite have a real-life basis?

No, Fortnite is not inspired by a real-life event.

Who now owns Fortnite?

Fornite is owned by Epic Games.

Who is the Fortnite CEO?

Founder and CEO of Fortnite is Tim Sweeney.

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