
How to End an Essay: 3 Tips for Writing a Conclusion

Ending an essay can be difficult if you don’t know how to write a conclusion. Suppose you find it hard to close an essay. You can do two things. Buy an essay: some websites can help you finish your writing and improve the process. Or you can choose to learn to write a conclusion paragraph. Both options are great, and we will show you how to conclude an essay in this article.

A conclusion paragraph summarizes what you wrote about in your paper. When you write a good conclusion, you need to think about three things:

  1. The main point of your essay
  2. The details that describe your main point
  3. How to leave the reader thinking

Tip 1 – Understand the conclusion’s purpose and format

To write a good conclusion, you need to understand its structure. The conclusion is the opposite of the introduction. The introduction presents a brief overview of your paper. You should state what you will talk about in the introduction. A conclusion, however, states what you have talked about. You wrap up all the details in a tidy package and make them center stage for your reader.

When you make the package, include the following:

  • Ending topic sentence
  • A paraphrased thesis statement
  • A sense of closing for your reader

Since you need to include the above points, the length of the conclusion will depend on the points made in your paper. If you have three ideas, you need to paraphrase them in your conclusion.

The first sentence restates your thesis. Make the same point in different words. The second, third, and fourth sentences should review arguments made in the paper. Summarize the points made in the body and explain how you proved them.

The last sentence needs to be a hook. Connect all the information you presented with a human touch. Using the example thesis, “Cats are better pets than dogs, ” let’s look at this in detail.”

Conclusion Sentence 1

Cats make the best pets in the world.

The topic sentence paraphrases what your paper is about. All the points in your body paragraphs show the reader that you think cats are the best pets.

Conclusion sentences 2, 3 and 4

Cats are more independent. It is harder to gain a cat’s trust, so you know they love you truly. They are much cleaner because they groom themselves. Cats use a litter box, so you don’t need to clean up after them or take them for a walk.

Each of these sentences reinforces your main points. Each point can be outlined in detail in paragraphs two, three, and four. If you cannot turn each of these into a paragraph, they are not good sentences for your conclusion. Now is the time to be brief and finish the last sentence of the conclusion with a hook.

Last sentence in your conclusion

To sum up, make the best choice for a pet by getting a cat.

Every sentence reinforces the points you could make about owning a cat. It tells the reader why a cat is better than a dog and closes with a hard hook to convince them to get a cat. The transition words “to sum up” tells the reader you are closing, so there is no doubt you’re at the end of the paper. The above is a good finish for an essay, now let’s see bad essay endings.

Tip 2 – Avoid new, overused, and oversimplified information

When writing a conclusion, you should avoid overused statements that add no value to the reader. In speeches, you can use words like:

  • In summary
  • My speech talked about
  • The data shows
  • In conclusion

If you use this to conclude, the reader will be bored, and you won’t make a lasting impression. Many people state their thesis in the conclusion. When you do that, the reader will be confused because your paper should build up to a finish that reinforces the thesis. Avoid introducing new ideas in your conclusion. Since our example is about cats being better pets, don’t say:

“Cats are prettier than dogs.”

This sentence only gives the reader new information and should have a paragraph in the body of your essay. Don’t make the conclusion too short like the example above. People can tell when you have nothing else to say.

Your reader expects that your conclusion is strong. In academic settings and for literature, include an analytical finish to your work. If the reader is left thinking, you know the conclusion is effective. A conclusion is easy if you follow simple steps.

Tip 3 – Have strong body paragraphs

If you follow these rules, writing a conclusion is easy: 

  1. Clearly state your points in the body paragraphs.
  2. Keep each point to one paragraph and give details to expand on it.
  3. Paraphrase the topic sentence of your body paragraphs.

Since the conclusion is a restatement of your points, it will be easier to write if you research and know your topic well. If it’s difficult to write your conclusion, then your paper is not written well. Revisit the body paragraphs and see how you can clarify and expand your points. The reader should know your points without guessing.

The idea of writing a conclusion can confuse people, but it’s not the conclusion that’s difficult. The most difficult aspect of writing an essay is research. In the body paragraphs, you are using your research to build your case. You need to focus on the information presented because it makes your conclusion easy to write.

Conclusions are easy

The conclusion is the time to tie up your thoughts and provoke the reader to do more research. When you do this, your writing is successful. Read your conclusion and simplify the sentences used. When you simplify, you save the reader time, and they will want to read more.

A good conclusion allows the reader to skim over the body and understand the main idea of your essay. If your reader cannot understand your points from your conclusion, write it again. It needs to encompass your ideas clearly and briefly in a way that leaves their questions answered.  Follow these tips, and you will write an amazing conclusion. An amazing conclusion improves readability and interest.

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