
How to Keep Your Employees Safe on The Job

Keeping your employees safe is always a top priority. Whether you own a fleet of delivery trucks or work corporate, there are a variety of ways to improve both the work and safety conditions. If you’re looking for ways to create a safer work environment, you’ve come to the right place. Here are ways you can boost safety in the workplace.

Create the Right Culture

Before you implement changes, think about how often you actually discuss safety measures with your staff. Do you have regular monthly meetings, or is it something that’s not really touched upon? Creating the right culture is the first step to improving work conditions. Let your employees know your intentions and what role you’d like them to play in your plans.

Keep the Area Clean

Proper cleaning is one of the best ways to show your employees you care. In addition to implementing proper COVID-19 sanitation protocols, you should also make sure that you keep the restrooms immaculate. Unfortunately, restrooms are high-touch areas that are often not cleaned as thoroughly as they need to be. You can offset the possibility of contamination installing non-touch soap dispensers, faucets, and air dryers.

Enhanced Vehicle Safety

If you’re a fleet manager, you already know how important driver safety is. Even if you already implement continued education for your drivers, there are still other methods to consider as well. Dashboard cameras can provide real-time footage of how your drivers behave behind the wheel. In turn, you’re better equipped to handle any mishaps they have while driving, including ignoring road rules or getting into an accident.

Provide Employees the Right Tools

Without the access to the right tools, people who work for you can only do so much. As their boss, it’s your job to provide them with the supplies and other resources they need to create the safe space. Make sure they have the cleaning supplies one hand to wipe down their desks, sanitize their hands and if part of the job description, clean the restrooms appropriately.

Ask for Input

Being the boss doesn’t mean your employees’ opinions don’t matter. How they feel while working plays an enormous role in the success of your company. Hold monthly meetings and ask them how they think you can do better. Since everyone is different, you need to take everyone’s opinions to heart. That’s not to say you can fulfill all of their suggestions, but making an effort goes a long way when creating company culture. Also, you need to be on the lookout for any potential trouble zones. If you are a supervisor of a warehouse, are there areas that are riskier than others? You also choose a team lead to communicate areas of concern and then find ways to make them either inaccessible or safer to work in.

Enforce Work Breaks

Whether they’re sitting at a desk all day or behind the wheel for right hours, work breaks are important. Give in-house workers 15-minute breaks every two or three hours, so they can stretch their legs. Drivers, regardless of whether they do long-haul or short runs, also need to take breaks. Long-haul drivers are required by law to stop after eight hours of driving. However, they should stop when they feel like they need a break from driving.

Use Appropriate Signage

You should always have signs that clearly say where the emergency exits are and outline the proper protocol. If there is heavy equipment in use, there should also be instructions on how to use and how to shut it down quickly in case of injury.

Make Desks Ergonomic

Sitting at a computer may sound like a dream job for some, however, it can also cause a variety of unpleasant issues. Desks that aren’t set up properly can eye strain, neck pain and if the individual types a lot, carpal tunnel syndrome. If you’re not sure how to make the necessary changes, you can enlist the help of an occupational clinician. They can tell you the best way to structure the areas to keep your employees comfortable.

Use a Reward System

Even as adults, we all like to be rewarded for a job well done. Start a reward program, and compensate those to follow the rules. You can offer monthly bonuses, paid time off or even gift certificates to their favorite restaurants.

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