
How to Write a Cover Letter In 7 Easy Steps

In a society where many via for the top jobs, it’s crucial you stand out from the crowd. Recruiting teams have the unenviable task of sorting through multiple applications, looking for the ideal candidate. They seldom spend more than a few seconds going through one so you have limited time to impress them enough to shortlist you for an interview.

How do you impress someone without being there in person? An impressive resume and an excellent cover letter are the only tools at your disposal. The cover letter is what sparks recruiting firms’ interest in going on to read your resume. It’s a one-page document that highlights your professional background. Here’s how to go about writing quality and professional cover letter.

TuneUp the Aesthetics Value

The first thing that recruiters get from your cover letter is your template. You have no second chances at this, so go with a visually pleasing cover template. This helps set the recruiter into a good mood.

Have a Standard Professional Header

Yes, there’s is a standard way of writing a header for your cover letter. Many lose points in this area by either omitting vital information or missing their order. When it comes to a standard header, it’s necessary to put down the following information.


Mobile Numbers

Email Address

Recruiting Manager’s Name and Professional Title

Company’s Name and Address

Remember that you can never be too careful. Take the time out to research the company and the recruiting manager. Spelling a name wrong or using an inappropriate professional title leaves a bad impression. You tend to come off as one who isn’t diligent or observant. Here’s a list of optional information to consider putting in your cover letter.

In case the name of the recruiting manager isn’t available, then using only the department’s name would suffice as a replacement.

Your Professional Title

Home Address

Links to Social media platforms, online workplace market, and websites

City of residence

Not all social media platforms are welcome here, only use your Twitter or LinkedIn account. If you’re gunning for a high official position, then it’s ideal you include your city of residence. And be consistent with your contact details where stated, including that across your social media accounts.

Remember to use a work email rather than a personal address. Consider using one’s from reputable and reliable providers, Gmail is the safe pick to use. Your address name should only have your first and last names. Don’t try to be fancy or use inappropriate

ones, say [email protected]. This depicts a lack of professionalism on your part.

Salutation is Key In Cover Letters

How do you appeal to the subconscious mind of the recruiting manager? Studies show that calling someone by their name we trigger a response. This is why it’s ideal you consider adding the recruiter’s name to your Salutation. Rather than the traditional Dear Sir, go with Dear John, or Dear Mrs. Brown.

Using names gives off a professional and yet personal ring to your write-up. There’s a high chance that you make a good impression; if this is the first sentence recruiters see in your letter. It’s safer to go with the recruiter’s last name.

In case you don’t know the recruiter’s name after conducting extensive research, you can switch to whom it may concern salutations. It’s still not advisable to use Dear Sir or Ma if you aren’t in Victorian England. Consider using the words hiring manager or the department’s name instead.

Kick-Off With an Attention Grabber

The standard format for professional cover letters is having your content into three paragraphs. The first captures the attention, the next shows off your qualifications, and the last tell the recruiter why you are the right fit.

Your first paragraph should capture and hold a hiring manager’s interest. Remember you only have a few minutes, sometimes less, to convince them that reading the entirety of your write-up is worthwhile. Don’t waste words hit the nail on the head. State information such as your enthusiasm for the company, supporting facts and figures of your productivity in previous firms, and duration of work experience.

Sell Yourself

The second paragraph is where you highlight the most important skills your potential employer seeks. Your cover letter isn’t your resume, so don’t go overboard with listing your achievements. Rather, keep things simple by limiting it to just what the company needs. How you deliver this is also tricky.

Start by recounting brief and concise incidents or accomplished tasks where you employed skills the recruiting team needs. This gives them the perception that you have experience handling the role, and you’re sure to be an asset to the company.

The last paragraph of your cover letter is similar to the previous one. Here you prove your enthusiasm and show that your goals and aspirations align with those of the company’s. Do this by highlighting a firm’s upcoming project, why you have an interest in it, and state the expertise and experience relating to the success of the project that you bring to the table.

Wrap up With A Compelling Call To Action

The last part of your cover letter is where you seal the deal and make the recruiting team excited about reading your resume. Don’t come off as needy or use cliches in your sentences. Rather, have them portray a sense of professionalism.

Your sentences should give off the impression that you are looking forward to discussing how your experience and expertise can help the company meet its objectives.

Also, it’s safer to add your signature under your formal closing. You can give it a more professional outlook by adding your contact information, such as mobile number, social media account, and email address.

Proofread Your Final Piece

It’s better to be safe than sorry. We are only humans and are prone to making mistakes. You have to double-check all the details you provide. Is your information consistent with that on the resume? Check for errors in grammar and misspellings. Refer to the dictionary or online tools to help you with words or phrases that seem odd.

Remember to keep things simple, only use words or phrases you are familiar with, and try to make sentences as clear as possible. For those looking for high-quality letters and asking the question “Can I have a professional write my cover letter?”. Yes, you can have a professional write your cover letter for you. Multiple reputable online writing services can help you with one in no time.

Final Thoughts

Keep your cover letter short and precise. Your paragraphs should be no more than three and feature a word count of at most 300 words. Consider the steps listed and you are on your way to landing your next interview.

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