A lot of people have been using Hotmail for quite some time. People who have been using it for quite some time have faced a lot of problems when they have...
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Two point five billion people identify as video gamers around the world. 40% of the players prefer playing online games to PC consoles. Mobile video game...
Snapchat was pretty unique and interesting when it was launched. It lured millions of users from all over the globe and offered them methods of interacting...
The calculator is one of the basic apps in the Windows 10 operating system. It can be extended to a scientific calculator, and that makes it very useful...
In Windows, when you connect to a wireless network, it will either register it as a Public network or a Private network. Private networks are basically home...
If you’re running Windows 10, you might be happy to know that there is now a simple and elegant way to view your Google email, contacts and calendar using...
Running a prosperous digital marketing campaign is not an easy – reason being it never got its exact formula. However, focusing on certain key elements can...
In Windows 10, the default search function indexes your Internet Explorer history, Start Menu, and the entire users folder on the system partition. What if you...
Windows 10 has an app called Camera that lets you use your webcam to record videos and take photos. It’s definitely better than having to download...
As Windows 10 gains a bigger market share over the next few years, you can be sure there are going to be a lot of ways to customize or tweak the registry! A...