
Reasons Why Print Marketing Is Important

Content marketing is all about online, social media and SEO. At least that’s the impression if you follow the public discussion. However, there is little discussion about print PR in this context. Have the printed media really become irrelevant? Here are 10 reasons why print marketing is important:

10 reasons why print marketing is important

Content marketing via online is important – no question at all. But we always advise customers not to lose sight of the print media when printing in Brisbane. Because anyone who focuses their communication strategy exclusively on the Internet misses many opportunities to reach consumers. Here are the top 10 key strengths that make your content marketing via print media so effective:

1.  High credibility of print PR

Nowadays, practically anyone can create a website and publish content there. However, a newspaper or magazine does not publish. The readers, therefore, rate the editorial quality of printed press media as higher. Incidentally, this also applies to young people.

2. Reach passive target groups as well

You can reach large target groups and actively draw attention to your topic, in particular via high- reach “General Interest” media (daily and regional newspapers). In this way, you can also reach readers who otherwise would not have had their topic “on-screen” and would therefore never have googled afterward.

3. Arouse interest with pictures

Keywords are searched on the web. In magazines and newspapers, on the other hand, you tend to catch your readers with pictures. This also gives you completely different (more emotional) access to your target group.

4. Position the article in the environment

In print titles, not only the individual articles, but the pages as a whole are perceived. Your content marketing article also benefits from the editorial contributions that are placed on the right, left, above or below.

5. Better publishing opportunities

Printed media appear regularly. As a result, the editorial teams there are constantly under pressure to fill all planned print pages with good and suitable content by the time of going to press. Articles prepared for the media, therefore, have better chances of publication here than on the web, where there is neither an editorial deadline nor the problem of unfilled pages.

6. Good cost/benefit ratio

With the same budget, you can reach a lot more people with print media than with the Internet. Print media is not just limited within newspapers, but also by filers, brochures, streamers, and posters as well, not to forget magazines too.

7. Long ranges

Even if circulation tends to decrease: Newspapers and advertising papers still reach up to 80% of adults. For this reason, it is still a very important media category for content marketing activities.

8. Print PR sometimes without alternative

Many special target groups can only be reached systematically through specialist journals. Because on the Internet, such editorial offices are difficult to finance.

9. Penetrate topics through repetitions

A print edition lasts for days or weeks, but not “forever” like many web publications. In print media, it is, therefore, easier for you to play the same topic (possibly slightly modified) again after a certain time.

10. Create once deploy many

Unlike on the Internet, where you have had to deal with the “duplicate content” problem for several years, you can easily spread the same content over several print titles in the print sector.

How much digital marketing and how much print marketing?

From the companies and the agencies that advise them, they ask themselves this question every time they face the design of their strategy. What is the right combination to obtain the best results in a market characterized by Omnichannel?

Although today turning its back on the Internet and social media is almost a suicide for 99% of brands, it is also underestimating the printed support, which not only has not lost strength but looks vigorous in times of scrolling. The companies that lead the market have it clear: marketing must be 360º and for these 11 reasons they reserve a leading role to printed materials in their marketing mix:

  1. Greater attention: Something not negligible at present. When before our eyes printed support does not open ads or enter new emails to our tray. Andrew Robertson, president of the multinational, referred to the problem of lack of attention to advertising messages. In his opinion, the real challenge of the industry over data or digital transformation. And to capture it, he advised learning from print media.
  2. Engagement: Related to the above. When you have a magazine or a book in your hands, you don’t cook or talk on the phone as you do when you browse the internet.
  3. More sense: The print marketing not only appeals to the eye but also to touch and even smell. Sensory experiences are something of the human being. According to the branding and neuromarketing guru Martin Lindstrom, advisor among others of PepsiCo or American Express, those brands that appeal to more than three senses are more successful in their advertising campaigns.
  4. Trust: Consumers rely more on traditional media. 58% of them rely more on print advertising, according to a report by the American marketing consultancy Clutch, which places online and social media in the queue. For its part, the Sherpa Marketing research institute states that 82% of Internet users in the United States rely on print ads more than any other means, when making a purchase decision,
  5. Versatility for the Premium customer: Printed materials offer more possibilities to distinguish certain customers and entertain them with special details. Can a fancy edition of a newsletter be made?
  6. Adding the Print to the Marketing Mix increases the ROI. Up to 240% according to a study.
  7. It is not expensive… or slow. Nowadays, thanks to new technologies, printing costs are lower, which means that small runs are profitable, in addition to being available in a short time.
  8. Respectful with the environment. Printing can be beneficial for our planet, as long as the paper used comes from forests in which sustainable management certified by entities. And is that the orderly use of forest resources is the best guarantee of the survival of forests, essential for life. In fact, thanks to its responsible exploitation the forest area increases.
  9. Automation: Certain technological tools allow you to reduce the time to market term by drastically speeding up the publishing process and integrating digital and printed content with total guarantee and quality.
  10. Augmented reality: Printed materials may include elements, such as QR codes or watermarks so that the information provided on a product or service can be completed through electronic devices such as mobile or tablet.
  11. “Turnkey” production. That the printing process is complex and involves spending time and internal resources? Making a car is much more, but you usually get them ready and shiny from the dealership. In the case of printed marketing materials, companies take care of all the management so that the client does not have to take care of anything and focus on tasks of greater added value.


This list is certainly not exhaustive. But it makes it clear why print media – despite all prophecies of doom – still form the backbone of many strategies in the area of public relations. And, according to my personal assessment, nothing will change so quickly in the future!


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