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How To Fix ‘SIM Not Provisioned’ Error

sim not provisioned error

How To Fix ‘SIM Not Provisioned’ Error will be described in this article. We’re going to examine the reasons behind this mistake and its precise meaning when you switch SIM cards. SIM cards have data on them that can be used to identify your mobile account. Because of the IMEI number, the mobile network recognizes your phone as belonging to you, allowing you to use it for internet and phone calls.

How To Fix ‘SIM Not Provisioned’ Error

In this article, you can know about SIM Not Provisioned here are the details below;

What causes this Error?

When you attempt to register a new SIM card, you may encounter the error “SIM Not Provisioned MM2.” If it happens when you’re not attempting to register a new SIM card, your SIM card is most likely defective and has to be changed.

Typically, a mistake occurs when one of the following occurs:

  • Your phone contacts are being moved to a new SIM card.
  • You purchased a new SIM card and phone.
  • The SIM card is not properly inserted.
  • The server of your portable network provider is unavailable (for example, using an iPhone requires access to the Apple server online).

The error message may also appear if you attempt to use a SIM card that is locked to a different phone. To use the SIM in any compatible phone, it needs to be unlocked.

“SIM Not Provisioned for voice’ Meaning

On devices that are linked to the Google Fi network, this error may occur. This combines mobile networks with Wi-Fi.

What Is “SIM Not Provisioned” Mean?

You are utilizing a dual-SIM phone if a number is included in this error message. Since both slots include numbers, you might see, for instance, “SIM 2 Not Provisioned.” All of the procedures below can be completed once for each SIM card, if you choose to follow them.

How to Fix ‘SIM Not Provisioned’ Error?

Let’s now examine five alternative approaches you might try to resolve this problem.

Solution 1: Restart the Phone

Occasionally, resetting the phone to its original setting resolves the problem. Turn off your phone and give it a few seconds. Check to visit if the SIM card is active & the problem message has disappeared by turning it on again now. If this resolves the problem, the network or SIM activation was the cause.

Solution 2: Check the sim Card is inserted correctly

Verify that the SIM card is accurately inserted. A SIM that fits poorly could possibly be the cause of the error. Maybe the SIM card slot isn’t made well enough. After turning off the phone, find the SIM card (on older phone models, slide or pop up the back panel to reveal the SIM card). To reach it, you might need to remove the battery. Your phone’s SIM card slot is most likely on the side if it doesn’t have a detachable battery. Also check Ways to fix your organizations data cannot be pasted here error

Check The Sim Card Is Inserted Correctly

To open the caddy the SIM is in, you will need a SIM eject tool. To remove the SIM card, look for a small hole on the side of your phone and enter the tool. It can be difficult to extract the SIM card, so be sure to remove it and not the microSD storage card. A good set of tweezers can come in handy. Dust the removed card using a lint-free towel after blowing on it.

Make sure you place it accurately when you return it to the slot. It is likely that the slot will have an engraving or label next to it that indicates which way to enter it. Check to see if the “SIM Not Provisioned” issue has disappeared after replacing the SIM card. Check to see if the SIM card in another phone functions if it’s still there.

Solution 3: Activate the sim card

When a SIM card is inserted into a new phone, it normally activates automatically within 24 hours. You can activate it in three different ways if it doesn’t in this window of time:

  1. Transmit a text message
  2. Make an automated phone call
  3. Go to the activation page of the carrier’s website.

Various SIMs provide varying choices based on what the carrier supports. However, any of the aforementioned should address the SIM not provided issue. Also check Twitch Network Error Code 2000

Solution 4: Contact Your Network Provider or carrier

Is the above not effective? If so, you may have to call your network provider or carrier from a different device. Inform them of the error notice and the attempted remedies that proved ineffective. A SIM card won’t activate if it turns out that there is an issue with the activation server. Most likely, your carrier will keep you on the line while they look into the matter. The good news is that you will be informed of the error’s cause and when it is expected to be fixed, even if you may have to wait while they remedy an activation server issue.

Solution 5: Get Another Sim Card

You might require to purchase a substitute SIM card if none of the aforementioned fixes resolve the problem and your carrier is unable to identify it either. You can get an eSIM if your phone supports it. Generally speaking, visiting a nearby phone store is quicker than calling your network.

It’s much more convenient if your network has a local branch close by. They can perform some SIM diagnostics in an attempt to resolve your “SIM not provisioned MMS” issue. Since they go through every step in their procedure, they will most likely repeat a few of the ones listed above.

The business will be able to switch out the SIM cards using their specialized gear if you do wind up needing a new one at the conclusion of this. The new SIM card will then be linked to your phone account. One of the aforementioned fixes ought to work as long as the SIM you’re trying to use is compatible and fits into the phone’s slot.


Should you have attempted a new SIM card, activated the SIM, ensured that it is seated correctly, reset the phone, called your phone carrier, and all of this and the problem persists. A replacement SIM card must be obtained from your network or carrier.

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