
Top 5 SEO Mistakes Blockchain & Crypto Businesses Make (Updated 2021 List)

The crypto industry right now is a dense and highly competitive market that doesn’t forgive flaws and mistakes. The steady expansion of the market, which is forecasted to reach over $1,700 million in total value by 2027, cannot be hindered much even by the global pandemic situation. While numerous other business and finance industries are suffering, crypto simply continues to grow in value with occasional volatility.

The question arises – how is this field so resilient. And how do I get my own original crypto to hold sturdy positions in the market like Bitcoin does? The answer is pretty simple – know your digital marketing and avoid common mistakes. Well-tried-and-tested marketing approaches focused on your crypto promotion combined with your knowledge of the major industry pitfalls will be the main driver of your crypto success.

Bitmedia’s SEO experts share insights about how exactly you should do crypto promotion in this day and age from their own professional experience.

What’s Cryptocurrency Digital Marketing All About?

Same as with any product, be it a physical or digital one, marketing through digital opportunities (which are currently a firm part of every modern person’s life) is essential to the crypto or blockchain project’s overall popularity and success. Thus, your usual cryptocurrency digital marketing routine should consist of the well-known promotion approaches, including:

  • SMMSocial Media Marketing for proper outreach in densely-populated and extremely regularly used social networks;
  • PPCPay Per Click for online traffic accumulation;
  • Email Marketing for reaching corporate entities and regular users via a newsletter;
  • Content Marketing for promoting a product while at the same time demonstrating expertise and staying descriptive;
  • Affiliate Marketing for joining forces with interested partners to promote with more power;
  • And, most importantly, SEO – Search Engine Optimization for efficiently pushing one’s crypto through regularly used search engines (Google, Bing, Yandex, etc.).

Working on search engine rankings for your crypto is an essential effort worthy of a separate discussion, which helps efficiently make your project truly popular and gain significant shares of traffic.

What is Cryptocurrency SEO?

Again, similarly to SEO conducted for any bit more traditional product or service, cryptocurrency SEO allows offering your crypto to the world (i.e., promoting it) in a more thought-out, strategic manner. Implementing the underlying SEO procedures, you gather the essential target audience and competitive information and use it to your advantage to better target particular users and hit the spot in demand. For this, the search ranking of a landing/website/etc. is reinforced with:

    • Keyword research for interspersing the descriptive content with the most relevant and frequently searched online words and phrases;
  • Backlinking for referencing other already reputable sites to boost your own reputability or for getting referenced by established resources;
  • Unique content that brings real use or at least excitement to users is of high value in the current market overloaded with ads and information flows.

But how to make sure you’re doing your SEO right? What major pitfalls and common practice mistakes are there?

5 Major Crypto SEO Mistakes

The main mistake is to neglect to boost your crypto landing’s or site’s search ranking or to ignore SEO initiatives altogether. And when you do realize the importance of SEO for your crypto’s ultimate success, make sure to steer clear of the following common crypto promotion and SEO mistakes.

One page is enough

One-page landings have become a blessing and a plague at the same time. For numerous entrepreneurs and businesses small to large, a simple one-pager is a great way to establish an online presence and start promoting on the web without going too far. Just stuff all the product descriptions and related details into one scrollable page and you’re good.

You are if bypassing SEO efficiency is in your interests, and it shouldn’t be. If you think about long-term prospects, you should understand that your SEO should be as powerful as can be from the get-go. And the SEO-driven approach would be to create a simple landing if you wish, but not limit it to one page only.

The home page (or main page) may contain all the essential descriptions while the essential sections that deserve a separate page include:

  • an “About us” or mission statement page where you summarize the goal and purpose of your project;
  • a team description page that highlights the real people standing behind your crypto;
  • a page where one can view or download your crypto’s whitepaper or related documentation;
  • a “Contact us” page describing ways to reach you or your company for direct discussions.

This will enable you to use PPC approaches to accumulate traffic and engage users with more structured info.

Subdomain abuse

Placing secondary pages on separate subdomains is not such a great idea. Google, for instance, sees each subdomain as a separate website. So these individual pages simply won’t add up to your SEO efforts. Everything must be combined. You need to consolidate all pages into a single domain so that a link to every secondary page looks like this – rather than This is achievable through any CMS similar to WordPress.

CMS isn’t necessary

Entrepreneurs tend to increasingly ignore readymade CMS solutions like WordPress and Drupal in favor of custom approaches. This way, they believe, more authenticity can be achieved. And while this is true to a certain extent, neglect of a well-tried-and-tested CMS spawns numerous issues (like the subdomain issue) that are much more difficult to handle without tools that the mentioned Drupal and WP have.

Keyword-free title

Many also believe that keywords are needless in the title and only the brand must be emphasized in it. Well, it’s true if your brand’s name is Amazon. Otherwise, missing on an opportunity to impact both the relevant user demand and the favor of search robots is plain senseless.

“Readymade blogging”

Many crypto providers also don’t bother creating their own dedicated blog to post related content or at least linking articles posted on other resources to the main website/landing. Medium is the most preferred platform right now that many use instead of full-on blogs. What they probably don’t know is that they do more for Medium than for the product with the unique content they post. So try to keep the blog your own if it’s possible.

Bottom Line

SEO is more than crucial to building a truly impactful, profitable online representation (read “website/landing”). It helps boost the relevance of your product and engage people. We made sure of that on our own experience of working on – a crypto advertising network that can, by the way, make your life easier in terms of crypto promotion. On the platform, you can easily find efficient advertisers if you’re a crypto publisher or crypto providers if you’re an advertiser for mutually beneficial cooperation. Best of luck with your crypto efforts!

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