What Is a Desert and Some of Its Characteristics?

The desert is one of the harshest regions to be stuck in. It receives the lowest rainfall of about making it very dry. The sandy nature of the landscape makes it very difficult to keep most of the water that falls as rain. The presence of high-speed winds also characterizes the area.

Their extensive nature makes navigation in the desert very challenging. There are very high temperatures during the day, and as the sun goes down, the landscape freezes. According to the characteristics of the deserts, the temperatures can go as high as 40℃ in the day. During the night, the temperatures can drop below the freezing point.

The desert has very little vegetation.

Desert animals consist of reptiles and insects. Occasional birds and shy rodents are also easy to spot.

Preparing for a Desert Trip

The typical human being is not adapted to desert conditions. Unless you are a native desert tribesman, you may find it very hard to tolerate the harsh conditions.

Planning ensures your trip’s safety. Here are some of the tips to incorporate before a desert trip:

  • Be mentally prepared. In case of any challenges, you can compose yourself.
  • Put a checklist of things you need.
  • Make sure to eat a light meal before venturing into the desert.

Some of the things you should include in the checklist are:

  1. Water– humans can survive three days without water. The desert has little water that is hard to find. Ensure to carry enough water to last the whole trip to avoid dehydration.
  2. Sunscreen– the desert sun can be very harsh at times. Carrying your sunscreen can help you protect your skin from sunburns.
  3. Hats– a hat is very crucial to protect your head, eyes, and shoulders. It should be breathable and wide enough to cover the delicate parts of your body.

The Adventures discourage bringing jewelry and unnecessary electronics. Denim and other heavy clothing aggravate the severity of the climate.

Tips to Find Water in the Desert

A desert trip can be all fun and chill until things go out of control. It is easy to get lost in the desert or running low on your water supply. These scenarios need you to have basic survival skills.

Having a concept or the survival skill of finding water in the desert can be a matter of life and death. If you wander off to a place you cannot access help, some of these tips will help you find water.

Use Landscape Features to Predict Water Sources

Some of the landscapes to look out for in the desert include rocky water pockets. Some rock shapes can contain water from rain. These rocks may act as reservoirs and help preserve some water, especially in shady areas.

When there are no rocks on sight, you can climb to the highest dune and locate rocky areas. You can use containers to collect the water from accessible rock pockets. Some rock pockets are small, which may need you to use a straw or get creative. Soaking a cloth can be an excellent way to access these tiny reservoirs.

Large trees can also harbor some water pockets in their trunks. The water that remains after a rainfall can be a lifesaver in severe cases. Make sure to look between tree stems and trunks. Some of the trunks may need you to use a cloth as a drinking material.

Dense vegetation can also show the presence of water. By digging below the roots, there are chances that you can access water. Most plants grow in the riverbeds, which contain some water that might not have dried up.

Sometimes the water you lose digging might be more compared to the water you might get. Assess the soil and start digging if the soil is damp. Damp soil is a good indicator of water. Filter muddy water if you have access to a means of filtration.

Desert trials can also be a good sign of water. When some animals walk their tracks, leave trials that may lead you to water sources.

Look for any signs of Animal Life.

The desert animals are a great indicator of water. However, during the day, most of the animals shelter away from the scorching sun. Thus, you can try to look for the animals instead.

Insects are perfect animals that should help you find water. The bees are the best insects that you can follow. Once they come out of the hive, they tend to fly straight to the water sources. This saves you time and energy as they show the nearby water sources fast.

Other ground insects can also indicate water nearby, especially if they are several. They might be harder to find since their bodies blend in with the environment. Your observation skills are thus essential to consider while searching for these insects.

Although reptiles are not a good sign of water, they may help you find insects. Keep in mind that some of these insects and reptiles are poisonous. This calls for you to take care when approaching.

Birds are also a good sign of water. The best time to spot them is early mornings and in the evenings. They hunt reptiles, rodents, and insects, which are a good sign of water. They are also easy to spot from afar while flying.

Birds can fly for long distances, which sometimes may lead to wrong predictions. However, they are dependable, especially when cycling high above. The birds also need water to survive the heat.

If you fail to find water, there are other methods to use to avoid dehydration. Some of the best alternatives include:

Trapping Dew Water

By hanging an article of clothing overnight, you can trap enough dew to help you rehydrate. Metallic objects are also suitable to trap heat, especially a mesh. You can also use a cloth to soak dew from the plant.

This method is suitable very early in the morning. After sunrise, most of the dew dries up, leaving you without the much-needed water. Wringing the cloth makes the water accessible for rehydrating.

Trapping Rainwater

If it luckily rains, you should use all available containers to trap the rainwater. Tent turbines are also very good to ensure a considerable amount of trapped water. This water can sustain you for a few days until you access help from rescue teams.

Eating Roots and Fruits

Some desert plants are very succulent and contain much water. By eating their fruits, you can rehydrate your body. Some of the roots are also rich in water and can serve as a good alternative. Though some of the trees are poisonous, it is advisable to consider this method if you are sure of the species.

The cactus is an excellent example of a plant that has edible fruits.

Finding water sometimes takes a little more into depth studying or digging. Sometimes, you would actually need geophysical equipment such as these ones from websites online such as https://mountsopris.com/. Mount sopris instruments have the necessary equipment to find things scientists need. Just like a desperate need for water when you are dehydrated in a desert, geoscience requires reliable tools for their own needs.

Throwing Away Your Foodstuffs

My outdoor life states that eating regular food can use up a lot of water in your body. The digestion process uses up energy and water. By avoiding food, your body retains much of the water you need.

Searching for water during the day can also be detrimental. Early evening and morning should be the best time for you to do so.

Being stuck in the desert is not always an imminent death penalty. By striving to survive, you assure yourself a chance to live a good life again. It would be best if you did not give up. Instead, try to find any help.

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