
What to Expect When Getting a Ph.D. in Business?

Getting a Ph.D. in Business is no walk in the park. Behind the prestige is a lot of heavy lifting. If you dread probing, you probably should rethink submitting your postgraduate application and find an alternate course instead. Graduate school is ideal for innately curious individuals because you will whole-heartedly devote a big chunk of your time doing academic research. Although postgraduate school requires you to take an assigned set of classes, it is not the main focus of your postgraduate education. These classes only serve to help you in the completion of your research.

Your main goal in postgraduate education is to pursue an unprecedented business research topic that will significantly impact your field of expertise. In business, you can choose from a wide array of specializations like accounting, information systems, marketing, organizational behavior, human resource management, and so on.

It is very critical to know your research topic before you enroll. Do thorough introspection and extrospection when deciding your research topic. Ask yourself what you can impart to your chosen field of expertise.

During postgraduate school, you must strive to maintain a harmonious relationship with your research supervisor. Your research supervisor plays a crucial part in the success of your research. It is wise to sit down with your research supervisor beforehand and discuss your expectations with one another. Compromise and come up with a mutual agreement. In the long run, this will lessen the likelihood of having any unnecessary disagreements.

What can you expect from your research supervisor?

  • Throughout your research, your research supervisor will continuously keep tabs on your progress. Your research supervisor will set aside time for regular supervisory meetings. It is your supervisor’s job to constructively criticize your work so that you can make necessary adjustments to it.
  • Your research supervisor must encourage you to take part in various scholarly activities such as attending conference presentations, joining collaborative projects, writing publications, and engaging in professional networking. Taking part in these activities broadens your scope of understanding and prepares you to enter the job market with the requisite skills needed to thrive.
  • Your research supervisor must be impartial and professional at all times. Under no circumstance can your research supervisor give you any form of special treatment.

What does your research supervisor expect from you?

  • Always show up at meetings and comply with the deadlines given by your research supervisor. Be diligent. Do your research work promptly. Coaching you is not the lone function of your research supervisor. Your research supervisor has other commitments to attend to so be mindful of your time.
  • Work with integrity. Do not be tempted to do any shortcuts or tamper any data. Anything worthwhile takes time.
  • Do not be passive. Take the initiative. Your research supervisor will not spoon-feed you everything.
  • Take this opportunity to broaden your professional network. Try to mingle as much as your limited time permits you. As Bill Nye says, “everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” Your next career leap may come from anyone.


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