
Why Businesses Need to Focus More on Employee Lifestyle

In today’s market, an attractive salary and a job title will only get you so far in your search to find the right talent. Hiring new employees and keeping your existing superstars has become about so much more than remuneration. Work-life balance is a thing of the past, making way for work-life blend. The lifestyle aspect of that ideology is more important now than ever before. Employees are searching for employers who understand the importance of employee lifestyle. Focusing on employee lifestyle should be a strategic objective of any business. To better understand how to place a greater focus on employee lifestyle consider these tips.

Social savings

Morning coffee is about so much more than caffeine. They are a release for employees to start their day with social interaction and ease into their busy schedules. Workplaces that prioritise coffee perks are winning employees over. A popular trend currently is cafe-style coffee machines in Singapore businesses. This trend helps businesses realise genuine employee lifestyle, by giving employees a social outlet to interact with their colleagues and helping them save money at the same time. Coffee isn’t cheap, when purchased from a cafe at least, by providing a coffee machine in the office employees can save thousands of dollars a year. This kind of lifestyle perk is a real winner with new and existing employees, saving them money and helping forge meaningful relationships at work.

Productive focus

Employers need to better understand the productive energy and focus their employees have. New theories in Human Resources and psychology suggest as employees and individuals we have more productive times of the day depending on a number of factors. As an employer, focusing on employee lifestyle is about understanding those times of the day our employees are most productive and focused. Once we understand that, we can redesign the workday to match. That may mean stepping out of the comfort of the 9-5 standards currently accepted. Allowing your employees to work when they are at their utmost focus means the business gets the best outcome and the employee feels motivated at all times. Trust is a major factor in this kind of arrangement, but it can return a lot of benefit in the long run.

Flexible working

It’s generally accepted in today’s market that employees must work set hours or take leave to handle personal matters. Great businesses allow employees to work in arrangements that suit the best outcome for all parties. Working from home is a great solution if your employees have unavoidable appointments, like tradesmen coming to their home. Alternatively, if they have crucial deadlines and need a quiet space, then working from home can be incredibly useful. Forcing employees to work at the office every day or take leave for personal appointments is a thing of the past. Employers who excel in offering flexibility at work to meet their employee’s lifestyle are performing better in both engagement and output.

Companion working

People love people, but people really love their pets. It’s becoming more commonplace for employers to focus on this element of employee lifestyle in the workplace. Allowing pet owners to bring their pets to work has become a popular option to help improve retention and engagement of employees. Pets offer offices a novel way to boost spirits and help make employees feel a part of the family as well. Pets can be stressful, having the ability to bring them to work when needed can make a real difference to employee lifestyle.


Employee lifestyle isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a strategic objective for a lot of businesses. Engaged staff, are productive staff and in order to achieve engagement, businesses need to focus on employee lifestyle. To place a serious focus on employee lifestyle, consider implementing one or all of these simple tips.

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