
Why Your Business Needs to Consider an Enterprise VoIP Solution

Why Your Business Needs to Consider an Enterprise VoIP Solution

You might think that a traditional landline is your only option if you’d prefer to have some alternative to cellular phones in the workplace. Voice over Internet Protocol systems have earned a somewhat spotty reputation for themselves over the years, which has prevented the adoption of them in many areas of business. Quite a few companies have actually dropped their phone lines altogether and simply rely on cellular telephony for all of their transactions.

If this sounds familiar, then you might want to rethink VoIP technology. A number of advancements in the field, combined with the fact that cellular connections have been experiencing reliability issues as of late, have helped people to look at this technology in a whole new light. In most situations, it’s not even difficult to install VoIP equipment.

Reasons to Switch to a VoIP Service

Like cellular services, VoIP providers offer tools like voicemail, contact lists and caller ID. Unlike your mobile phone, however, a VoIP network can integrate these with other business tools. If you have your equipment configured properly, then you can instantly forward a voicemail from one of your clients to a number of your associates by pushing a single button.

Most services will allow you to pick and choose the options you want as well, so you won’t be paying for this kind of technology if you don’t plan on using it. Mobile and landline phone providers usually aren’t so generous, which means you often have to pay for things you’d never really use. Think of how many cell offers provide a free year of some subscription service when you sign up. These services aren’t really free, which means you’re paying for something that’s irrelevant to the operation of your business.

That means you can often custom tailor the service to your specific business.

Designing a VoIP Package that Works for You

As the name suggests, all VoIP packages route calls directly through the Internet, which makes them more flexible than traditional telephony systems. That’s why engineers have been able to tailor these services to each individual business that asks for them. You might want to consider a full-sized enterprise VoIP solution if your firm is growing and you want to be certain that everyone in your place of business has a way to get in touch with everyone else.

While so-called bring your own tech initiatives have been popular, you can’t trust that everyone’s phones are going to work together very efficiently. VoIP handsets are normally guaranteed to function as expected, so you can forward calls to any department without difficulty. This has even become an attractive option for smaller firms, especially in the healthcare field. Chiropractic and dental practices can easily keep in touch with their clients using this kind of a feature.

More than likely, there’s already some kind of VoIP solution that works with the way you already do business. If you can’t find something you like, however, then you shouldn’t feel squeamish about negotiating.

Getting the Best VoIP Deal Possible

Contact the provider and simply ask them if they can do something that’s geared toward the kind of industry that you work in. There’s a high probability that they’ll be more receptive to changing up their service plans than you might imagine. Since you generally won’t have to pay for services that you don’t need, you can usually get a better deal by just telling the customer service representatives what kind of options you really do want.

Leave out the rest and you should walk away with a lower bill. One of the really nice things about enterprise VoIP services is that they can often replace other subscriptions you’ve been paying for. If you find that you increasingly need some kind of mobile signal booster to improve the quality of service of your calls, then you might consider reducing the number of mobile handsets at work in favor of VoIP technology.

For that matter, companies that are still beholden to legacy technologies like traditional hotlines could easily dump these when they get their VoIP systems hooked up. Though you might think that these are unreliable, your company probably has a decent Internet connection as it is. Assuming that it doesn’t go out all the time, you should be able to enjoy a high quality of service.

When configured correctly, a VoIP system might even be more secure than other technologies. Considering the high costs associated with a potential data breach, this could translate into quite a lot of savings over the long term. This is especially true of firms that deal with a lot of sensitive data, such as individual private law practices.

Though no two companies are alike, enterprise-grade VoIP services should be able to serve the widest possible array of them.

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